RHMax was started by folks who believe in Richard Heart’s mission, saving human consciousness, the power of community and what good crypto can do for people in this world. Simple, ad-free analysis and content to feed the curious and creative minds of all of those interested in Richard Heart creations and related community efforts, that’s it. Especially in crypto, once you find the best products, ideas and people, you really don’t need anything else. Richard Heart Maximalism is about sharing and promoting the ideas behind the the man who changes so many lives for the better. It is not simply about investing only in Richard Heart products, as once you understand them, that’s all you’ll logically want to do anyways. The man, the mission, the products and the energy for a better you and a better world around you is extraordinarily inspirational.

From truly unique crypto products such as HEX, Pulse, PulseX and community driven projects like Hedron, Maximus and friends to funding longevity research at SENS.org or figuring out how to be the best version of yourself by subscribing to Scivive, one man really can make a difference. This is not hero worship, we all have families and day jobs , but it is recognition and healthy beliefs in the ideas that are making the world… yes, you guessed it, a better place. And you can be a part of it!

If you want a longer list of endeavors, check out Richard’s website. I ‘d recommend consuming content from free thinkers and like-minded individuals across industries such as Naval Ravikant and Peter Thiel who stand head and shoulders above many others when it comes to ethical wealth creation, philosophy and wisdom.

For engagement, interviews and content with like-minded individuals in the community, check out twitter and youtube as these are the best places to kindly interact.