Richard Heart, HEX, PulseChain & SciVive

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The Pulse Promise

The Pulse Promise is an initiative from CryptoHeartbeat that is really worth a conversation about. The idea is that we get a group together on Telegram called the Compassion Cartel and we all agree on our own terms to set aside a little bit of the PLS we’re getting back from sacrificing when Pulse mainnet launches and do some good with it. We let it grow into a significant amount, although small at first, and then support causes near and dear to our hearts.

So here’s how the idea works.

1) Create a new Metamask account specifically for the Pulse Promise

2) Allocate $100 (~1,000,000 PLS at early sacrifice phase) or more of your sacrifice airdrop to keep and hold in this wallet

3) After Pulse launches, the Pulse Promise site will be ready to accept your PP address be to listed as being part of the promise

4) You can join the Compassion Cartel to discuss ideal ways that you support that you’d like to earmark for your PP funds

5) Once PLS grows to a significant value, probably 1-2 years after launch, you’ll be able to fund initiatives you support or collaborate with others to crowdfund initiatives you and your group prefer (you still maintain control over your wallet)

The idea is that you have a reason to both keep your PLS coins so they both grow in value (stake them / lock them up if you wish) and are set aside for you to do good in this world. You can watch the explainer video from Heartbeat himself to learn more and of course join Telegram and ask around to find out the current state of affairs.

Now that there’s over 1000+ people in the Telegram, it sounds like the next step is waiting for Pulse to launch so we can explore more what initiatives folks want to fund and collaborate on when the time comes that it grows into worthy fund. If Pulse is as successful as everyone believes it will be, you can use a fraction of your new wealth to make some real impact. Exciting times ahead!